Homilette for Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter

(Acts 13:13-25; John 13:16-20)

Biblical students count three distinct “missionary journeys” of St. Paul in the Acts of the Apostles. Although Paul himself did not likely divide his preaching so neatly, the three-journey arrangement helps us appreciate the apostle’s tremendous sacrifice. The section from Acts that we read today shows Paul shortly after commencing his first expedition.

Paul typically goes to the Jewish synagogue of the town he is visiting. There people would at least have perspective for understanding his message. He preaches salvation by faith in Jesus – what is frequently called the kerygma of the early Church. In today’s reading Paul’s kerygmatic message summarizes the story of salvation from the slavery of the Hebrews in Egypt to the preaching of John the Baptist. It continues tomorrow with his relating the role of Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promise.

As Paul proclaims the kerygma on his missionary journeys, the Church calls us to be missionaries. Two years ago the bishops of Latin America described Catholic Christians as “missionary disciples.” As disciples, we allow ourselves to be formed according to the word of God. As missionaries, we give testimony of that word to others. We should not shy away from speaking of how belief in Jesus has meant all the difference in the world to us. We should also proclaim the word by rendering loving service to family, neighbor, and community.

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