Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

(I Corinthians 3:18-23; Luke 5:1-11)

The poet Alfred Lord Tennyson captures the vigor of ancient adventurers in his poem “Ulysses.”  One line is especially famous: "Tis not too late to seek a newer world."  Already an old man returned from the Trojan War, the hero is not content to sit back and die.  Rather he embarks on a new voyage to accomplish more feats. Jesus instills in the fishermen of today’s gospel a similar spirit.

Peter and company have ended a night's work without any fish to show for their efforts. But after hearing Jesus preach, they do not refute his command to try again. Rowing into deep water, they lower their nets and watch in astonishment the marvelous catch. Jesus then uses the incident as a parable to indicate the successful missionary efforts the fishermen will have as his disciples.

As many of our youth lose interest in the Church, some may become discouraged. They wonder whether the Lord is really here among us.  Of course, he is – closer to us than we are to ourselves as St. Augustine would say.  Let us not fear to put out into the deep.  We have to testify to the young of the Lord’s presence.  He has saved us from danger time and again.  He has also enlightened us continually to perform acts of kindness.

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