Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Revelation 11:19a.12:1-6a.10ab; I Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56)

We might think that the Church honors Mary just for being the mother of Jesus.  As we too well know from the recent “royal wedding,” relations to the sovereign have special status.  But Mary’s relationship with Jesus runs deeper than blood.  The Church recognizes her as the first and most committed evangelizer.  In today’s gospel passage Mary proclaims the good news of Jesus before he is born!

Mary sings of how God saves the poor, among whom she considers herself. She says that God has “’has lifted up the lowly’” and “’has filled the hungry with good things.’”  This is very good news for all who have waited patiently for the Messiah.  Not only the destitute but also the faithful who generously help the needy can now rejoice.

Mary is rewarded for her own faithful attentiveness to God with a special place in heaven.  She occupies this space body and soul according to the ancient tradition of the Church.  We gladly sing her praises, follow her example, and pray for her intercession before the Almighty.

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