Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Exodus 3:1-6.9-12; Matthew 11:25-27)

In the first reading God tells Moses, “Come no nearer…the place where you stand is holy ground.”  Where Jesus stands in today’s gospel is also “holy ground.” Yet he invites the poor and oppressed to join him.  He wants these chosen people to know the “rest” that the Son shares with the Father.

Their rest is not merely an afternoon nap that energizes one to finish the day.  It is, rather, the relationship of love in which the Father gives over everything to the Son, the Son receives it and then gives it back to Father.  Such a mutually fulfilling exchange produces rest, peace, and joy.  It belies the wisdom of the world where people are told not to give but to take as much as they can.  Such a mindset supposedly makes one happy but actually ends in distress.

Imbued as we are in a market culture, we have difficulty accepting Jesus’ invitation.  We come to think of ourselves as “accomplished” when we own a big home and car.  We must recognize that our richest possession is the love of God that we cannot earn.  It is given to us as we die and rise with Christ in Baptism.

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