Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday of the Seventh Week in ordinary Time

(James 4:1-10; Mark 9:30-37)

Jesus’ “journey through Galilee” will end in Jerusalem.  There he will be handed over by Jewish leaders to the Roman authorities who will kill him.  Jesus predicts this fate, but his disciples do not understand what he is saying.

They are preoccupied with the question of their own greatness.  If they were great, they would not be so fearful as to leave Jesus’ self-revelation unqueried.  Rather, like James scolds his listeners in today’s first reading, they follow their prideful instincts.

Of course, the disciples have not yet received the Holy Spirit.  He will give them both humility and confidence.  Like to them, the Spirit has come to us so that we might “renew the face of the earth” with his love.