Tuesday, Februray 27, 2024

Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent

(Isaiah 1:10.16-20; Matthew 23:1-12)

Being “full of themselves” is a young person’s trait.  Often pampered as children, adolescents can think mostly about themselves.  However, as they grow up, people should realize that the world does not revolve around themselves, and that craving attention offends both God and community.  Such a sin characterizes the Pharisees in Jesus’ account to his disciples in today’s gospel.

The Pharisees’ teaching is not found wanting, but their pride reaches much beyond self-worth.  They are so absorbed with their own virtue that they cannot see their vices.  It is as if pride puffed their faces so that they cannot see how they affect others.  Jesus tells his disciples to guard themselves against such self-deception by being modest in their presentation of self.

Often church-going people find fault in others but can’t recognize their own sins.  It is pathetic because their very sin keeps them from repenting.  We must pray for them and for ourselves that we do not become victims of our own pride.