Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

(II Peter 3: 12-15a.17-18; Mark 12:13-17)

Today’s first reading is from the so-called “Second Letter of Peter.”  “So-called” because scholars are sure that Peter the apostle did not have anything to do with it.  It is likely the last of the New Testament writings probably dating from well into the second century. 

Written so late, it is unsurprising that it deals with issues of delayed fulfillment of Jesus’ promises.  In today’s passage the writer exhorts Christians to wait patiently.  They are to maintain a strict discipline in how they live so that they may grow in virtue.  The author claims that patience will then become their salvation.

Of course, we are still awaiting fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to return. As time goes by, we will be tempted to give up Christian morals and then belief in Christ.  We increasingly need to hear and practice patience as II Peter urges.