Wednesday, November 18, 2023

Feast of Saint Luke, evangelist

(II Timothy 4:10-17b; Luke 10:1-9)

Of the four evangelists Matthew and Luke emphasize missionary activity most.  Jesus’ last words in Matthew’s gospel send his disciples to the ends of the earth.  Luke appends the Acts of the Apostles to his gospel.  Acts, of course, gives account of the apostles’ initial missionary activities.  Today’s passage also reflects the missionary dimension of Luke’s gospel.

Jesus sends seventy-two disciples to the towns which he intends to visit.  The number reflects Genesis’ report that seventy-two descendants of Adam formed the nations of the world.  Jesus’ disciples have no time to pack or to greet others on the road because the end is near.  Jesus is coming to call good people into his Father’s Kingdom.  For this reason they will tell the people to prepare themselves to meet him.

After almost two thousand years he still hasn’t arrived.  Or has he?  Jesus comes to us daily in Scripture, the Eucharist, our prayers, and other people, especially the poor.  It is also true that we await his coming definitively at the end of time when we hope to experience the glory of the Kingdom.