Thursday, February 3, 2022

 (Optional) Memorial of Saint Blase, bishop and martyr

(I Kings 2:1-4.10-12; Mark 6:7-13)

Today, the Memorial of St. Blase, people come to church to have their throats blessed.  It is an old custom meant to prevent or heal all kinds of ailments.  It is similar to the work for which the apostles are commissioned in today’s gospel.

Jesus has selected his twelve apostles from his numerous disciples.  Now he sends them to preach repentance.  They are to prepare the people for the coming of the Kingdom of God.  As a sign that the Kingdom is beginning to appear in the world, they have the power to heal.  The text says that they cure the people by anointing them with oil.

We believe that our prayers as well as the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick effect what they signify.  But we should be discreet about the claims that we make regarding prayer.  We have seen many people healed after prayer.  But we cannot say that those prayed over are likely to be healed with significantly greater frequency than others.  Nevertheless, they have been placed under God’s care.  He will strengthen them for the challenging journey to eternal life.