Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent

(Jeremiah 18:18-20; Matthew 20:17-28)

At the heart of today’s gospel lies a critical question for the spiritual life.  Do we love God for Himself or do we love Him for the spiritual rewards that He promises?  The mother of James and John does homage to the Lord to seek high places in his Kingdom for her sons.  Is her piety enough to secure what she asks?

Asking spiritual gifts of Jesus presupposes faith in him to give it.  Although Jesus does not assign table order, believing in him will lead to places at the celestial banquet. God cannot be separated from the spiritual gifts that He alone provides.  However, if we center our focus on God’s gifts to us, we may become distracted and begin to believe because of the earthly gifts that He also provides.  Then when things turn against us, our faith may falter.

God in Himself is perfectly lovable.  He created the universe and sent His Son to save humankind from folly.  We love Him for all His magnificence, including His goodness that we will eventually see up close.  If we suffer want now, let it be.  We know that following the Lord Jesus will not leave us disappointed.