Friday, September 13, 2024

Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and Doctor of the Church

(I Corinthians 9:16-19.22b-27; Luke 6:39-42)

In today’s first reading St. Paul explains why he risks his life to preach the gospel.  He does so out of an obligation imposed upon him.  He is referring, of course, to Christ’s mandate after his revelation to Paul on the road to Damascus.

Even with the revelation and mandate Paul must conform to Christ.  He describes this effort as athletic training.  As an athlete cannot ignore training if she or he is to win a competition, so Paul must put heart and soul into curtailing desires for status and comfort.  For Paul this means becoming “all things to all” people.  Finally, Paul urges everyone to a similar self-discipline so that they too are conformed to Christ.

Today the Church remembers one of the greatest Eastern Fathers.  St. John Chrysostom like Paul suffered for preaching the gospel.  As Patriarch of Constantinople, he told the rich to help the poor.  For criticizing the extravagance of the empress, he was forced into exile. After returning to his see, a cabal of churchmen ousted him again.  He died on September 14, 407 as a result of a forced march to the place of banishment.