Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Tuesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

(I Kings 21:17-29; Matthew 5:43-48)

Enemy love is a hallmark of Christianity.  As an old hymn says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”  But what constitutes enemy love?  What does Jesus mean when he insinuates that our love must resemble that of our heavenly Father?

Loving like God loves not mean acceptance of another’s sinful behavior.  God is tolerant as Jesus implies when he says that He sends rain and shine on both bad and good.  But God has sent Jesus to call sinners to reform, not to keep sinning.  This should be characteristic of Christian love as well.  Christians should help enemies to change immoral ways by example if nothing else.

We may find it difficult to treat kindly those who show no interest in reciprocating.  But surely Jesus does not ask too much by requiring it.  We have, as St. Paul famously says, his example of dying for us “while we were still sinners.”  Furthermore, we have the Holy Spirit to inspire and strengthen us to love truly.