of Saint Scholastica, Virgin
1:1-19; Mark 6:53-56)
As everyone
knows, the word “Genesis” is taken from the Greek word meaning “beginnings.” Genesis tells of the beginnings of everything:
the universe, the earth, life, and most especially human beings.
passage from Genesis tells of God making something of the heavens and the earth
that He has already created. As His
instrument, God uses only His word. It is
as if all things hear and summarily obey the vibrations of air from His voice. God’s
word accomplishes His will so that everything is ultimately subject to Him.
Jesus taught us that God’s almighty word is ready
to shape our lives if we permit it. It
is spoken in the Scriptures and especially by Jesus himself. Being images of God, we have the capacity to
accept or reject God’s word. Rejecting it,
like the people of Jesus’ hometown in today’s gospel, we deny ourselves the
fulness of life. Living that word brings us the eternal joy and peace of Jesus
risen from the dead.