Monday, July 29, 2024

Memorial of Saints. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

(Jeremiah 13:1-11; John 11: 19-27)

In today’s gospel Martha displays all the extroversion of the famous Lukan account of Jesus’ visit to her home.  She wastes no time in greeting Jesus and making her desire for a favor known.  On this occasion, however, she shows remarkable perception in her profession of faith in Jesus.

Of course, Jesus must help her to understand himself.  He is “the resurrection,” the one who gives spiritual life to the physically dead.  He is also “the life,” who does not allow the spiritually alive to die.  Martha nods to Jesus’ self-description and then gives her own testimony.  Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah, the Son of God, who comes to rule the world in peace.

We marvel at Martha’s familiarity with the Lord and should imitate it.  He is with us as our friend, someone to be trusted with every complaint and aspiration.  More than that, he is our God, ready to see us through every provide every predicament.