Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday after Epiphany

(I John3:22-4:6; Matthew 4:12-17.23-25)

 A great corporation of an American city every year sponsors a festival of lights during the Christmas holidays.  It invites the public to its production center adorned with colored LED lights.  The lights do not dispel the darkness as much as they take advantage of it.  Because of the darkness, the brilliance of scores of thousands of lights is revealed.  In a similar way the darkness of the human condition allows the light of Jesus to be manifested.

 Today’s reading from the Gospel of Matthew sees Isaiah’s prophecy of a great light in Galilee fulfilled in Jesus.  His ministry enkindles hope in people beset with misery.  The passage shows Jesus healing the pained, relieving the possessed, comforting the disturbed, and capacitating the paralyzed.  Jesus’ preaching further urges those ensconced in the darkness of sin to repent.  Finding the gentle glow of God’s mercy gives them freedom and joy.

 We have begun a new year.  It is time for us to start over in the quest for virtue.  We must rid ourselves of thoughts that belittle others.  We need to let go of our fears so that we might affirm those around us.