Monday, October 4, 2021


Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

(Jonah 1:1-2:1-2.11; Luke 10:25-37)

 Not long after his conversion St. Francis was riding on his horse. He came across an odor so foul that his horse reared back.  Francis looked for the source of the odor and saw a leper in the middle of the road.  He had always been repelled by lepers, but now he dismounted and went to the leper. The leper held out his hands, and Francis kissed them.  It was the sign of reverence people in the Middle Ages given to a bishop.  Francis saw something priestly in this leper.  Indeed, he saw him as another Christ.

In today’s gospel Jesus tells the familiar story of the good Samaritan.  Tradition as long identified this Samaritan with Christ who saved humanity from death.  Jesus would have identified the man beaten and left half-dead with himself.  What the Samaritan did for that poor man, he did for the Lord.

It sounds impossible, but we are to imitate Francis of Assisi just as he became “another Christ.”  Like Francis, we should have a special sensitivity to for the poor and suffering.  Like Francis, we should have a special love for Christ.