Thursday, May 9. 2024

Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter

(Acts 18:1-8; John 16:16-20)

Jesus’ reference to “a little while and you will not see me, and again a little while and you will see me” refers, of course, to his death and resurrection.  Jesus will be buried for two days and nights during which he cannot be seen.  On the third day, he will be raised from the dead and will show himself that evening to his disciples. 

During his burial, the disciples did indeed grieve. They not only lost a teacher, but also one who loved them so much that he called them his friends.  The grieving turned to joy when they experienced him alive.  Jesus not only talked with his friends again but gave them the Holy Spirit so that they may have life in abundance.

As followers of Christ, we sometimes must make hard choices that cause us to grieve over lost opportunity.  Girls who become pregnant may have to give up a year of college to have their baby.  Boys may find themselves alone after their parents tell them to leave up the tough crowd they were following.  Such sacrifices should be embraced, not abhorred.  They make us better people and closer to Christ.  He will greatly reward us for any hardship we endure.