Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

(I Samuel 24:3-21; Mark 3:13-19)

King David looms large in the Old Testament.  The ancient writers see him as the model king of Israel.  Strong himself, he trusted in God and conquered other nations.  Assuredly he is not portrayed as perfect, but he is always remorseful.  In today’s first reading he refuses to harm King Saul out of respect for God.

The four evangelists see Jesus as David’s descendant.  Like his predecessor, Jesus will conquer Israel’s enemies.  However, the enemies will not be armored men on horses but the spiritual forces of sin and death.  Jesus will prove to be greater than David.  He never sins; yet he prays for mercy on his brothers and sisters who fail to fulfill God’s will.

We should try to emulate David piety, especially before he became king.  When faced with enormous challenges, we want to trust in God.  When we have done something beneficial, we ‘want to thank God openly and fervently.  And when mortal enemies are in our grasp, we want to remember that they too are God’s children.