Memorial of Saint Maximilian Kobe, priest and martyr
(Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Matthew 8:15-20)
St. Maximilian Kobe’s martyrdom has been contested. It has been said that he did not die in
defense of his faith but for his generosity.
The facts of his case are that he substituted himself for a fellow
prisoner in a concentration camp whom the Nazis arbitrarily chose for execution
when another prisoner escaped. However,
it must be remembered that martyrdom means witnessing one’s faith which St.
Maximilian’s heroic act of love did.
In the gospel Jesus instructs
his disciples on how to give further testimonies to faith. He says that when wronged, a disciple is to be
direct and discreet. He or she is to go
to the one who gave offense, make the charge to the person, and hopefully
receive an apology so that forgiveness may be extended. If there is doubt about the facts of the
case, the offended party is to bring a few witnesses to testify to what
happened. Jesus in no way recommends mass
denunciation much less retaliation.
Christian witness always does what is truly loving.
Love never ignores the truth
but seeks the true benefit of others.
Sometimes it demands that we take a stand that may be inconvenient or
even more costly. We do it out of
solidarity with the Lord Jesus.