Monday, July 22, 2024

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

(II Corinthians 5:14-17; John 20:1-2.11-18)

Saint Mary Magdalene followed Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem.  Because of passages like today’s gospel, she has been considered one of Jesus’ intimate disciples.  One popular novel of a generation ago even portrayed Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife.  However, there is no shred of evidence for this kind of relationship in the New Testament. 

But, of course, Mary did love Jesus dearly.  John’s Gospel shows her at the cross with Jesus’ beloved disciple and his mother.  When she discovered that it was he to whom she was talking in the garden, she wanted to verify her perception by touching him.  However, it was not the time to hold onto Jesus; it was time to proclaim him to the world.  In fact, Jesus tells her to proclaim to his disciples what she has seen.

After the consecration during Mass, we too profess Jesus’ death and resurrection.  We may take a cue from this gospel passage not to cling to Jesus figuratively by limiting our devotion to prayer.  Rather we should go out and testify to the risen Lord with our lives.  Our patience with others gives this testimony.