Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

(Genesis 17:3-9; John 8:51-59)

In today’s first reading God changes Abram’s name to Abraham.  The two words sound alike but there is a difference.  Where “Abram” indicates the father of one nation, “Abraham” implies that the father of many nations.  This prophecy obtains in Jesus Christ whose disciples went out to all the earth.

Tragically, however, most Jews, the original descendants of Abraham, have forsaken their relationship with Jesus.  As today’s gospel shows, the “Jews” (Jewish leadership) want to kill him for his claim to be God’s Son.  There is a sense in which they remain “God’s people,” but they are limited to just one nation.

Many nations today have a Christian majority.  Some are professedly Christian.  But Christ’s hold on them is weakening.  Religious observance in many of these nations is weakening.  Morality has also become lax.  The state of things requires at least three responses on our part.  First, we must live according to our Christian beliefs.  Then we must tell others, especially our youth, about Christ and his promises.  Finally, we should pray for a Christian renewal.