Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Thursday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

(II Corinthians 11:1-11; Matthew 6:7-15)

Pope St. John Paul II added significantly to the prophetic assertion that there is no peace without justice. He gave the insight that there is no justice without forgiveness.  He evidently saw forgiveness as the key to social harmony.  His testimony underscores the emphasis Jesus gives forgiveness in today’s gospel passage.

Jesus not only places forgiveness in a key place in the model prayer for his disciples; he also comments on its importance.  He considers forgiveness crucial to living as God’s children.  Forgiveness frees one’s consciences from the burden of guilt.  She or he can concentrate on doing good and not on repaying debt.  Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness is not reciprocal but dynamic. God forgives a person’s offenses if that person forgives another’s offenses.

But it is hard to forgive if we have been offended deeply.  We want to hold on to a grudge until we can get even.  That attitude, however, belies our membership in God’s family.  If we retain a grudge, we have no right to call God “Our Father.”