Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Exodus 2:1-15a; Matthew 11:202-24)

Ask anyone what was Jesus’ “own town.” They will likely answer “Nazareth.”  It is true that Jesus grew up in Nazareth according to the Gospel of Luke.  However, Matthew’s gospel calls Capernaum his town (9:1).  Evidently, he made the seaside town the base of his preaching mission.

Although he worked many wonders there, the people of Capernaum did not heed his message.  In today’s gospel, Jesus decries this development.  He actually predicts what eventually takes place.  Instead of Capernaum becoming famous, it is relatively unknown compared to Nazareth or Bethlehem.  But obscurity is not Capernaum’s ultimate fate, according to Jesus.  It still must face a judgment more severe than that of Sodom.

We may not have seen many miracles in our lifetimes.  But we have likely seen blessings bestowed on us and others more than deserved.  Yet too often, like the people of Capernaum, we neglect to give God due thanks and praise.  If this is true, let us change our ways to give God glory every day.