Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

(I Kings 17:1-5; Matthew 5:1-12)

Jesus, as successful teachers usually do, first presents the goals of the course he is about to give.  In this case, they are the beatitudes or blessings of the Kingdom.  Those who follow his course will experience the glory of God.  They will have to exert themselves, but he promises that they won’t regret the effort.

The beatitudes prescribe basic attitudes or dispositions more than specific acts.  One must be “poor in spirit” by looking to the Lord first and foremost to provide one’s needs.  Similarly, one must live ready to forgive and reconcile differences to be considered a “peacemaker.”

Sometimes the beatitudes are considered the exclusive property of saints.  They certainly require the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  But he is given in the sacraments so that we might become saints.