The Feast of the
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Micah 5:1-4a; Matthew 1:1-16.18-23)
It has been noted that the Church does not celebrate many
birthdays. Hallmark would go broke if it
had the Church as its only client. In
fact only three birthdays are recognized in the calendar of saints: Jesus’, of
course, on Christmas Day; St. John the Baptist’s, whose birth parallels Jesus’,
on June 24, almost to the day six months before Jesus’; and Mary’s whose day is
today, nine months after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
It should be asked, why does the Church privilege Mary by
celebrating her birthday? After all, cynics
might object, she only gave birth to Jesus.
But she also raised him and cared about him. The gospels relate how she came looking for
Jesus when he was carrying out his ministry.
There are also New Testament accounts of Mary at the cross (the Gospel
of John) and among his disciples receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts of the
Apostles). But the selection of today’s
gospel hints at a deeper reason. Mary
was of the line of extraordinary Hebrew women of faith that we hear about in
today’s gospel. She kept the faith,
clung to it despite hardship, and saw to it that Jesus knew it.
We do not pray to Mary as we pray to God. We ask her to intercede for us before
God. This is not beating around the
bush. Rather, it provides reason for us
to not stop praying. For many, because
of their childhood experience, it is easier to talk to Mary than to God. Just as they found it easier as children to
ask their mothers for a favor than to approach their fathers, they find Mary more
accessible today. Like the Father, she
is there to help us. Celebrating her
birthday, we have a favorable moment to beseech Mary again for God’s assistance.