Friday, July 29, 2022

 Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

(Jeremiah 26:1-9; John 11:19-27)

If all we knew about St. Martha was that she complained to Jesus that her sister left her with all entertaining chores, we could hardly call her a saint.  Fortunately for her and for us, she had an opportunity to redeem herself in the gospels.  In today’s passage Martha shows that her faith has penetrated the mystery of Christ.

Martha initially exhibits her typical forthrightness.  She goes out to meet Jesus and even complains about his being late!  But when Jesus asks her if she believes in him, she shows that she has been meditating over his words like Mary in the familiar story from Luke’s gospel.  Martha then proclaims Jesus the only Son of God come to save the world.

We too must take care to recognize Jesus for who he is.  He is certainly more than a great prophet.  He eclipses the sun in importance to us.  He is the savior who leads us from sin and death into everlasting life.  More than anyone or anything else, we want to stay close to him.