Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

(Hebrews 9:15.24-28; Mark 3:22-30)

The question of an unpardonable sin has drawn much interest and differing opinions.  Some say the unforgiveable sin is suicide because one dies before pardon can be sought.  But it is not difficult to imagine a case when one self-inflicts a fatal wound and then repents before the injury takes its toll.

Some scholars say with good basis that every sin is pardonable and can be forgiven.  If this is the case, the unpardonable sin of today’s gospel is not seeking forgiveness.  The “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” mentioned in the reading involves attributing to Satan himself the power to cast out another demon.  It denies the work of the Spirit done by Jesus.

The Church offers us regular opportunity at mass to recognize our sins and seek forgiveness.  We should also do so every day, preferably at bedtime.  Such a habit may provide us with more restful sleep.


Sunday, January 27, 2025

Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

(Hebrews 9:15.24-28; Mark 3:22-30)

The question of an unpardonable sin has drawn much interest and differing opinions.  Some say the unforgiveable sin is suicide because one dies before pardon can be sought.  But it is not difficult to imagine a case when one self-inflicts a fatal wound and then repents before the injury takes its toll.

Some scholars say with good basis that every sin is pardonable and can be forgiven.  If this is the case, the unpardonable sin of today’s gospel is not seeking forgiveness.  The “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” mentioned in the reading involves attributing to Satan himself the power to cast out another demon.  It denies the work of the Spirit done by Jesus.

The Church offers us regular opportunity at mass to recognize our sins and seek forgiveness.  We should also do so every day, preferably at bedtime.  Such a habit may provide us with more restful sleep.