Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
(Hebrews 4:5-1-5.11; Mark 2:1-12)
The movie “The Miracle Club” describes the pilgrimage of a
handful of Irish women to Lourdes. Each
woman to varying degrees has faith. And
each prays for a specific miracle. In
the end no one receives the miracle in the way she expected. Yet each one’s life is altered so that it
might be said that they did experience a miracle. Something similar takes place in today’s
The four men bringing the paralytic to Jesus believe that he
can enable him to walk. They may be
disappointed when they hear Jesus pronounce forgiveness. They were looking for more visual healing. If they have time to reflect, however, they
may realize that they have received a miracle.
The paralytic is now able to enter the rest of the Lord, as the first
reading puts it.
Miracles are more common than we imagine if we believe. God is working with us, for us, and through
us so that we too may enter His rest.