Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

(Malachi 3:13-20b; Luke 11:5-13)

The old lady was not Catholic, but she enjoyed praying the rosary.  She had prayed it as a girl when she attended a “convent school.”  She seemed to find the prayers a request for access to the Lord that would be surely granted.  In today’s gospel Jesus assures similar efficacy for all prayers made with persistence.

Jesus helps his disciples appreciate the need of prayer by comparing God to humans.  He says that God answers prayer to stop being badgered.  He adds that God is like a father who would not want anything evil to happy for his child.  As ridiculous it is to think of God as being badgered and as customary it is to think of God as father, God’s benevolence goes beyond these analogies.  God wants us to be like Himself – trusting and merciful.

God trusts us with freedom to choose what is true and good.  He wants us also to be kind to others – ready to forgive their sins and help them improve.  When we pray, whether it be the rosary or suppliant intercessions, we draw closer to God, our goal in life.