Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Memorial of Saint Barnabas, apostle

(Acts 11:21b-26.13:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12)

The Spanish language has a short, fitting phrase to describe St. Barnabas.  He is a “santo varón”. The term means holy man, but it implies a more uncommon virtue. A santo varón lives in peace with every good person.  He spends time with God who seems to be the rock on which to build a life of goodness toward all.

At the beginning of Acts Barnabas generously contributes to community savings. In today’s second reading Barnabas rejoices when he encounters living faith in Antioch.  He also shows courage in searching out Paul and zeal to go forth as a missionary. In an argument with Paul about Mark, who once abandoned them, Barnabas shows a willingness to forgive.

Barnabas makes a worthy model for all of us.  When we feel a desire to spend a small fortune on a non-essential, Barnabas admonishes us to live simply.  When we cannot find the time to visit a sick friend, Barnabas shows us how to make a priority of someone who is hurting.  When we have trouble enduring a difficult person, Barnabas demonstrates patient love.