Monday, May 12, 2024

Monday of the Seventh Week of Easter

(Acts 19:1-8; John 16:29-33)

The disciples’ testimony that they “never even heard of the Holy Spirit” approximates the situation of many Christians today.  All likely have heard of the Spirit but many have not experienced His transforming power.  Their faith lacks the joy, peace, and love characteristic of the Spirit’s presence.

The Spirit comes to us in Baptism and is reinforced by the other sacraments, especially Confirmation.  He is often activated by a robust community.  Once this happens, the Christian not only exhibits divine qualities but also catalyzes those qualities in others.  On the other hand, the Spirit might be muted by an environment with little feeling and wonder. 

This Sunday, the Solemnity of Pentecost, the Church celebrates the Holy Spirit.  Many Christians are preparing for the festivity by a novena calling for the Spirit to manifest himself.  We should join the preparation, if only in a humble way.  Praying every day “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love” will wake us to the Spirit’s presence and open us to his transforming power.