Thursday, September 23. 2021

 Memorial to St. Pius of Pietrelcina, priest

(Haggai 1:1-8; Luke 9:7-9)

Today’s gospel reports that King Herod wants to see Jesus.  His motive, however, is not revealed.  From what the other evangelists say of Herod’s interest in John, the Baptist, he might have been a perplexed person seeking spiritual support.  However, his interest in seeing Jesus turns sour.  Later in the gospel Pharisees warn Jesus that Herod seeks to kill him.

Many people wanted to see St. Pius of Pietrelcina.  He was an Italian mystic of the last century who developed fame as a confessor and a prophet.  At 31 years of age, Padre Pio, as he was called, received the stigmata or wounds of Christ’s crucifixion.  Perhaps more astounding, however, was this priest’s power of discernment.  It is said that he could tell a person’s sins before he or she confessed them.

Like Herod and no doubt Padre Pio we seek to know Christ.  But we do not need to go very far.  Christ is constantly seeking us!  When we cease worrying about impressing others, we will know his presence as a solace, a support, and a stimulus to greater love.