Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter

(Acts 14:19-28; John 14:27-31a)

Toward the end of his letter to the Philippians St. Paul writes that he learned how to be satisfied with whatever he had.  He could endure hardship with equanimity because of his relationship with Jesus Christ.  This relationship of love brings the peace to which today’s gospel refers.

Believing that Christ will return to reward them, his disciples need not fret about persecution or worry about death.  They know that Christ will give them the fulness of life in eternity.  He suffered a worse trial than they have.  It resulted in his resurrection in glory as they will experience.

This same “peace of Christ” is ours by reason of faith.  Let us embrace the promise of the resurrection Jesus made to his disciples.  Doing so, we need not have undo concern about the vagaries of the world or the coming of death.