Wednesday, March 13, 2024

 Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

(Isaiah 49:8-15; John 5:17-30)

The priest in charge was not sure what to do.  He had received a complaint about one of the people he worked with.  He knew the fellow worker as well-intentioned and hardworking.  She was also somewhat rigid about rules which made her vulnerable to criticisms.  Some people picture God in this way – rigid and demanding.  They might forsake religion because of such a false image. In the readings today God sets the record straight.

Through the prophet Isaiah God proclaims that he has more concern for his people than a mother for her child.  He would go to the extent of leveling mountains to see them home safely.  In the gospel Jesus assures that Isaiah’s prophecy is for real.  He does only what the Father does.  He will see his followers home to eternal life.

We best believe that God would never do anything to harm us.  Perhaps He allows hardship to come our way.  However, this will be to correct our faults.  He wants us with Him in Paradise.