Friday, June 14, 2024

 Friday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

(I Kings 19:9ยช.11-16; Matthew 5:27-32)

Jesus uses exaggerated language to emphasize his teaching in today’s gospel. We should never excise a body part other than to save our life. Nor should we commit sexual sins.

Jesus condemns looking at a woman with lust because such looks lead to fornication or, worse, adultery. Is it venial or mortal sin? Jesus does not take this type of classification into account, but for him lustful glances are serious evils.

The Catechism exhorts us to struggle “against concupiscence of the flesh and inordinate desires.” If impure desires or thoughts badger us, we should tell the Lord that we love him and ask for his help to overcome the temptation.