Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
(I Corinthians 15:1-11; John 19:25-27)
More than any other, this scene of Mary witnessing the death
of her son qualifies her as “Our Lady of Sorrows.” Any mother suffers when she comes
face-to-face with the death of a son or daughter. Knowing the infinite depth of Jesus’ goodness,
Mary’s ordeal is limitlessly magnified.
The Church does not call attention to this woman of sorrows so
that people might pity her lot or even admire her courage. Rather it offers Mary as an exemplar of
sorrow to invite the faithful to ask her intercession when they feel
depressed. She knows what it is to lose
what is most precious and will call on God to lighten the sadness of others suffering
similar distress.
We need not hesitate to call on Mary when we are depressed. Stories of her successful intercession are numberless. As she was there for Jesus as he died on the
cross, she will assist us in our darker moments.