Thursday, November 30, 2023

Feast of Saint Andrew, apostle

(Romans 10: 9-18; Matthew 4:18-22)

During the middle of the last century a missionary preacher used to give “fire and brimstone” talks to high school boys.  He impressed upon his listeners that they would burn in hell if they did not repent of their sexual sins.  For years he had great success.  Boys would line up outside the confession box.  But toward the end of the twentieth century the missionary’s sermons lost their appeal.  He had to change his content.  Perhaps he started to speak about the love of God.

These days, however, talking of God’s love is not necessarily the way to make converts either.  Certainly, it is a more honest approach than emphasizing God’s wrath.  Whatever is said today must be backed up with social media if one wants to reach thousands.  Preaching has changed, perhaps many times, since Paul wrote his Letter to the Romans.

In today’s section from the Letter to the Romans we hear how apostles like St. Andrew preached salvation through Jesus Christ.  He likely did it often without compensation.  Receiving money for his efforts would have drawn suspicion to his motives and violated the Lord’s instructions.  Like Paul himself, Andrew preached out of obedience and in order to save his soul.