Monday, April 1, 2024

Monday in the Octave of Easter

(Acts 2:14.22-33; Matthew 28:8-15)

The proclamations of Peter and Paul in the Acts of the Apostles reflect their witness to the resurrection.  Generally, they show how Jesus’ paschal experience correspond to Scripture and calls forth repentance. 

In today’s first reading from Acts Peter presents his testimony immediately after receiving the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.  Preached to the Jews, Peter boldly declares them responsible for the death of Jesus whose deeds reflected God’s mercy.  He cites a psalm in which the narrator proclaims God’s goodness and therefore can expect salvation. Tomorrow’s continuation of Peter’s sermon will urge listeners to repent and be cleansed in the name of Jesus.

The offer is made to us as well.  In an extended way our selfishness, pride, and greed has caused the death of the Lord Jesus.  We too need to seek forgiveness by participating fervently in the Eucharist.