Thursday, September 21, 2023

Feast of Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist

(Ephesians 4:1-7.11-13; Matthew 9:9-13)

A man was making a fortune in the world of finance.  Raised in a family dedicated to Christ, he started to reconsider his life.  He left his career to study theology.  The he became a Catholic and found a position helping street people.  In time he became the director of a diocesan Catholic Charities program.  His story reflects that of St. Matthew in today’s gospel.

Customs workers in gospel times, and still today in many places, are assumed to be corrupt.  Their position offers so many opportunities for taking bribes that few people pass them by.  Evidently, Jesus feels the need of a bookkeeper in his company or at least for one of Matthew’s other abilities.  He calls Matthew from his workplace to follow.  But there is a more basic reason for the call.  Matthew, a sinner, needs salvation!

We should know that we are likewise sinners in need of God’s grace. Jesus bestows this grace upon us as we hear the gospel proclaimed.  Like Matthew we should not hesitate to respond favorably.