Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

(James 4: 13-17; Mark 9:38-40)

For many years the church has promoted Catholics collaborating with other Christian groups on social projects.  The combined efforts have brought more and better assistance to those in need.  They also have advanced ecumenism creating a desire for reunion with peoples of different communities of faith.

In today’s gospel, Jesus promotes social ecumenism.  Whereas John would stop someone not of Jesus’ company to cast out demons in his name, Jesus welcomes the initiative.  Perhaps he intuits that John’s restriction may be motivated by jealousy.  A passage before this one shows the disciples unable to cast out an epileptic demon.

We do well to question our motives when we refuse to support non-Catholics in their social ministries.  They often do work worthy of our support.  The Friends’ (Quakers’) peace lobby and the Lutheran “Global Refuge” have for years provided excellent service.