Friday, May 31, 2024

The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Luke 1:39-56)

The term “visitation” gives this gospel episode its due dignity.  Mary’s going to see Elizabeth is not a cordial meeting of two women sharing the experience of pregnancy.  Nor is it, at least in the first instance, a demonstration of Mary’s desire to assist her aged relative in her first and inherently delicate pregnancy.  No, Mary’s journey to the hill country brings the king within her to a significant part of his kingdom. 

Jesus comes to the environs of John, his harbinger.  John duly recognizes Jesus’ kingship by leaping in Elizabeth’s womb.  His action is much like an army at a distant outpost snapping to attention when the president makes a formal visit.  Elizabeth acknowledges Jesus as her Lord.  Mary also proclaims Jesus’ kingly stature when she speaks of God doing something great for her.

We too are given reason to rejoice today.  Our Savior is making himself known in the world.  He will establish for us and for others the way to true and lasting peace.