Friday of the
Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Genesis 23:1-4.19.24:1-8.62-67; Matthew 9:9-13)
Today’s first reading mentions Abraham’s attempt to buy
land from the Hittites for the burial of his wife. The sale is problematic because Abraham is a
resident alien without rights to own territory.
Eventually he is granted the right, and a purchase is made. Abraham thus has a foothold in the land that
God promised him. In time through work, shrewdness,
and conquest, all the land of Canaan will belong to Abraham’s descendants. For this reason Jews today claim a right to
settle throughout the region.
Of course, the right of the Jews to the whole region,
classically called Palestine, is contested by Arabs. These mostly Muslim people have inhabited
Palestine for most of the last millennium and beyond. They resent the recent Jewish settlements in
areas beyond the boundaries of modern Israel.
The question of ownership cannot be easily resolved. Do Jews because of their direct descent from Abraham
have a divine right to all Palestine? It
should be remembered, however, that Abraham is seen as the father in faith to
Christians and Muslims as well. As a way
to settle the issue of ownership, we might see Jesus as the key figure in
bringing about justice for all. Jews and
Muslims as well Christians can find in him a brother. Indeed, people throughout the world have a relationship
through him to one another. The land
belongs to everyone. Nevertheless, for
the time being it is expedient that the state of Israel administer it. Its government still has an obligation to see
that all people in the region are fairly treated.