Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Genesis 3:9-15.20; Ephesians 1:3-6.11-12; Luke 1:26-38)
Today’s celebration extends beyond veneration of our Blessed
Mother for her sinlessness. It
recapitulates the drama of redemption by telling of primordial human sin and
the coming of humanity’s Savior.
As God predicted in naming “the tree of knowledge of good
and evil,” Adam becomes aware of his sin when he eats its forbidden fruit. Nudity aptly symbolizes sin because it universally
provokes desires that often lead to lustful acts.
Sin might have completely dominated human existence if God
had not intervened. He sent His Son to
strike at the head of sin’s promotor, the serpent in the reading. Mary not only gives birth to Jesus; she is
also his first beneficiary. At her
conception, she received the grace of Christ’s salvation even before the salvific
events take place.
Mary’s sinlessness is demonstrated by her responses to the
angel telling he of God’s plan. She
wisely questions how conception could take place without sinning since she is a
virgin. Assured that it will be the work
of the Holy Spirit, she unhesitatingly submits to the divine initiative.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception conveniently falls
during Advent. It gives added material
for contemplation. God’s Son has come as
one like us. Although innocent of any
sin, he willingly endured the worst of human suffering in our place. His sacrifice enables us to resist evil and
to merit salvation.