Monday, May 20, 2024

Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

(Acts 1:12-14; John 19:25-34)

Pope Francis introduced today’s celebration just six years ago.  Obviously, he wanted to emphasize the association of Mary, the mother of Jesus, with the church Jesus founded.  Both Scripture readings attest to this.

The first reading pictures the eleven apostles of Jesus remaining after Jesus’ Ascension along with his mother. It implies that Mary was present when the Spirit descended upon the disciples to set the Church in motion.  The gospel shows Mary at the foot of the cross with the beloved disciple and other women.  Jesus then hands over his Holy Spirit to his faithful followers – a kind of Pentecost initiating the community of disciples.

The Holy Father insists on the key role of Mary in the Church.  She does not merely give Christ a human nature.  More significantly, Mary’s presence at the death of Jesus and the coming of the Spirit indicates her role in the project he initiated.  She epitomizes the caring outreach of the Church, the role of the Church as intercessor for sinners, and a central place of women in its makeup.