Wednesday, May 9, 2024

 Wednesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

 (I Peter 1:18-25; Mark 10:32-45)

 With so much emphasis on sex today one might think of it as a wholly contemporary concern.  In truth, however, extramarital sex has always worried people.  What is new is its widespread social acceptance.  Few today stand up to condemn premarital sex.  Of course, catechisms call it sinful, but often preachers steer clear of the subject to not offend Church members in unlawful relationships. The New Testament letters testify that licentiousness troubled decent people of the first century and see Christ as leading the people out of the morass.

 Today’s reading from the First Letter of Peter typically exhorts the people to “love…from a pure heart.”  It reminds them that “’all flesh is like grass’” that withers.  Therefore, they are to place their hope in God and not surrender themselves to debauchery. 

 Youth may respond to the argument of coherency.  After all, they have a sense of justice even if not fully developed.  Coherency requires congruence between what one says and does.  The argument goes like this.  Sexual intercourse is the most intimate way to demonstrate one’s love for another.  Therefore, it should be accompanied by the giving of oneself in a permanent union.  In anything short of a permanent union, the act becomes a lie as sure as Brutus’ profession of love for Caesar.