Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

(Romans 5:12.15b.17-19.20b-21; Luke 12:35-38)

The will to violence and destruction is one of the dismal legacies left by humanity’s original partakers.  The carnage is now being played out in Israel and Palestine.  Ironically, this is the land where lived Christ, whom St. Paul claims has ended enmity between peoples. How can it be so?

Of course, neither Israel nor Palestine, for the most part, are followers of Christ.  But the cruel war continues between Russia and the Ukraine, two nations with Christian majorities.  Nevertheless, Christ has left the gospel of peace and sent the Holy Spirit to overcome the legacy of war.  Unfortunately, humankind continues to ignore Christ’s heritage to its peril. 

Another part of the heritage of Christ is prayer to the Father that His Kingdom come.  As much as ever, we should ask for this to become a universal reality in our time.  We should also practice humility, understanding, and compassion so that His Kingdom is established in our very midst.