Thursday, August 17, 2023

 Thursday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

(Josua 3:7-10a.13-17; Matthew 18:29-19:1)

If love is at the heart of Jesus’ teaching, then forgiveness is at the core of love.  Over and over Jesus tells his disciples to forgive.  In today’s gospel he underscores the need to forgive with a parable.

Forgiveness is central to Christianity because Jesus gained the Father’s forgiveness of human sin.  As God has forgiven the sins of humans, they should in turn forgive the sins of one another.  Forgiveness, it must be added, is no slight matter as if it should be dispensed like paper napkins.  Both debtors in the parable acknowledge their debt and plea for mercy. 

If the sinner does not express contriteness and a willingness to reform, forgiveness is not required.  What should we do then, if the person who offends us remains uncontrite?  Love admonishes us to pray.  We pray that the offender duly repents and also that our assessment of the wrong is on target.