Tuesday, April 2, 2024

 Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

(Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18)

Mary Magdalene’s name is not on St. Paul’s list of those to whom the risen Lord appeared.  But Paul says that Christ appeared to all of the apostles of whom Mary Magdalene should be included.  By command of the Lord himself in today’s gospel, she is to announce to the disciples that Jesus is about to ascend to the Father.

Saints like Catherine of Siena have received apparitions of the risen Lord.  We may not have seen him, but we should not discount the possibility of his speaking to us in our conscience.  Franz Jägerstätter, the Austrian farmer who refused to take a loyalty oath to Hitler, and Thomas More were two men whose consciences told to say only the truth.

Like Mary Magdalene, we are called to announce the resurrection to others.  Like Jägerstätter and More, we are also called to stand by the truth.  The Lord wants us to announce the resurrection by always telling the truth.