Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church

(Acts 1:12-14; John 19:25-34)

Mary fully becomes “Mother of the Church” at the foot of the cross where she is met in today’s gospel.  Jesus gives to her his beloved disciples to form his “family,” a new community whose ties go beyond blood to selfless love.  Jesus prepared Mary for this moment by gradually distancing himself from her since that day in the Temple when at twelve years old, he told her and Joseph that he must be about the work of his Father.

Mary is living out the “Fiat” she made at the Annunciation – that she would accept completely the will of God.  Her sacrifice is comparable to that of her son hanging on the cross.  She suffers as any mother or father in seeing a son precede them in death.  But she suffers even more since she is aware of Jesus’ divine origin and his utter innocence.  Just as Jesus endured the abandonment by his Father on the cross, Mary must now endure his abandonment.  Only selfless love keeps both faithful.

As Mother of the Church, Mary expresses her selfless love on behalf of all of us.  Her love does not substitute for ours but models such love for us.  Knowing that she was able to give herself completely to God’s will, we can do likewise.