Thursday, September 2, 2021

Thursday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

(Colossians 1:9-14; Luke 5:1-11)

It’s remarkable that Peter and Andrew, James and John do not return to the sea after their monumental catch.  Having known scarcity as fishermen, they would want to take full advantage of a windfall.  But they drop everything to follow Jesus. 

The fisherman act like someone who has won a jackpot with someone’s suggestion of a slot machine to play.  But rather than putting another coin in the generous machine or asking for another tip, the winner just follows the benefactor wherever he may go.  She obviously has found in him a treasure more valuable than money.

Jesus has many ideas of how to make life worth living.  His ideas really do us even better than that.  They make us hopeful of eternal life.  His ways will require some sacrifice.  But walking with him and his followers, we will not be disappointed.  Rather, we will know peace.